Posts Tagged‘baby’

Preparing your Home for a New Baby

If you have a baby on the way, you have probably been through 100 articles and guides about the essential supplies that you need, and the preparations to be made so that you are as ready as you can be for baby’s first weeks. However, there are some broader, long term preparations that you might need to consider in transitioning your living space from an adult-oriented environment to a family home that ticks all the boxes for you and your growing child. Some of the following points are more applicable to a small child than a baby, but get them…

Essentials for your first baby

The moment that you discover you’re pregnant, or that you’re going to be a daddy, will likely be the start of an incredible adventure for you and your partner; from prenatal appointments and scans, during which you’ll watch your baby develop and hear its heartbeat for the first time, to hurtling round mom and pop stores in search of essentials and nice-to-haves, each day of those nine months will be spent preparing for the baby’s arrival. However, in between shopping trips, reading reviews for products and visiting discount retailers to try and save a cent or two, there’s a chance…