Posts Tagged‘safety’

These Cleanliness Habits Around Food Can Keep You Healthy

The majority of us don’t realize how often we come in contact with harmful germs throughout the day. Because we cannot see them, they are easy to forget, but many of these bugs are deadly or can make you or your family sick for a long period of time. One area of harmful bugs that we need to be particularly careful about is with our food. The way the average person handles food preparation, it can easily cause contamination that can be spread to others. Contamination from food is very common and many people are harmed or even killed each…

Common Sense Safety Tips For When You Travel

Traveling even to the store can be frightening and exciting at the same time. It does not really matter what your destination is as you always have to think about safety. Umberto de Pretto, Secretary General of IRU, gives us some essential, common sense safety tips that will make anyone’s journey a lot happier and safer. Sensibly Select Ground Transportation Whenever you want to take a bus or a taxi, you want to be sure that you check companies in order to be sure that the chosen transportation mode is as safe as it should be. It is always a…

Adrian Rubin Facebook Looks at How to Identify a Real FBI Badge

The FBI badge is recognized all over the world. There have to be at least 70,000 movies and scenes in which it is flashed and shown. FBI officers have a great deal of power, and this has made the badge a hot commodity as well. Unfortunately, there have now been a number of victims who have believed they have been part of an FBI probe, but who have actually been the victim of scamming and fraud, often to get hold of their payday details. According to Adrian Rubin Facebook, it is important, therefore, to become aware of what to look…

8 Fantastic Ways to Help Make Your Home Secure

Home burglaries are still a rising issue in today’s economy, even with the tough rules many homeowners follow. Tightening up your home should always be a priority, not only for the safety of your family but to ensure everything you own is completely safe. You could hire guard dogs and a security team to walk up and down your lawn, but we all know it’s not a viable option unless you’re the president, which is why you need to have a look at the below tips to take matters into your own hands. 1. Implement a High-End Security System By…

Keeping Construction Work Safe

On a day to day basis, we come across countless construction sites. Every day, workers, contractors, and builders are trying to build ever higher and ever bigger buildings. In order to build upwards, it is very important that construction workers have to be able to get to those heights safely so that there are no accidents. To do this, scaffold products are an absolute requirement. These products have to be of the highest quality, so that workers and their tools are supported and safe even at great heights. In fact, these tools are life saving for operatives responsible for creating…

7 Ways to Keep your Valuables Safe

Modern society definitely has its drawbacks, and with rising crime figures worldwide, home security has never been so necessary. The modern housebreaker is not at all like the stereotype we see in the cartoons or in the movies, in fact, you could walk past one and never know it. Once inside a house, they know instinctively where to look, and what to look for, and are often in and out in a few minutes, and if you feel your home security is not what it should be, here is some good advice on how to keep things safe. Consult a…

Can You Claim Compensation for an Accident at Work?

The UK is one of the most regulated countries in the world in terms of legislation pertaining to health and safety, especially in the workplace. But even so, statistics show that more than a million people last year reported cases involving breaches of health and safety regulations which resulted in personal injury. So, can you claim compensation for an accident at work if it happens to you? Accidents can occur for a variety of reasons; people can trip over things, drop things from a height, suffer burns from hot liquids or chemical or electrical burns, be injured while using equipment…