Posts Tagged‘Video Gaming’

Is the Metaverse the Future of Gaming?

Most of us are used to the idea of turning a game on to play it. We sit down and spend a few hours advancing through various levels, save our progress and then turn it off. With Facebook announcing its new company Meta, we have entered a new realm of always-on gaming environments. The Metaverse concept has so far only existed in science fiction. The word itself comes from meta, meaning transcendent, and verse, as in universe and promises to offer us just that. A virtual world that combines multi-player online gaming with virtual reality. Some Tech experts are even…

Is Video Gaming Going to Be in Your Near Future?

Having activities you both enjoy and are good at doing can make them all the more fun. With that thought in mind, are you thinking about giving video gaming a try? With some 2.7 billion people worldwide playing video games (, you would not be alone. From the fun of video games to the competitive spirit that comes from them, you can get quite a lot out of gaming. Where Best to Start? In your quest to bringing video gaming into your life, do you have a good sense of how best to go about it? You will of course…