Posts Tagged‘wellness’

What To Look For In a Beauty Clinic

I have moved around quite a bit during my life and each time I have moved, it has meant finding new schools, new libraries, new shops and most importantly, new beauty clinics. I am a regular of my beauty clinics and I always have to make sure that I find the very best one that I can. When looking for a beauty clinic, there are some tell-tale signs which you should look out for, as indicators whether the clinic fits the bill. If you are on the lookout for a new clinic, here is what you should be looking for.…

4 Reasons to Install a Stairlift

There are many people across the world that enjoy living in their homes. Chances are, you are one of them. However, if you’re living in a home that has multiple floors, and for some reason you are unable to use the stairs safely, or at all, there are few options out there to help you overcome that obstacle. Most people would assume that the first, and only move, would be to move out. But what if you’re really comfortable in your home and you really don’t want to do so? You can always install an elevator, for sure, but that…

Top Tips To Improve Your Brain Function

Whether you are young or old, a professional, academic or a career person, having a brain which performs at the highest possible level is something which can help you in all aspects of your life. The brain is one of the most important organs in your body and it is one which needs to be exercised in order to increase its functionality. Contrary to what you may think, there are indeed ways in which that you can boost your brain power and make sure that it is running at top speed so that you can be more effective in your…

How Patient Data Security Is More Important Than Ever

If you have been paying attention to the news you might have noticed that there have been several hospitals targeted by hackers, and as a result the complete medical histories of thousands of patients have been put up for ransom. Individually, the files of each patient were not targeted, but unscrupulous parties fully understood what could happen if those medical records were compromised. Not being able to go back and make changes that could keep patient medical records from being breached, experts with a masters in health law are now set to change the landscape of patient data and security…

How Sick is My Baby?

Babies are prone to sickness including colic, sniffles and colds. Mild colds are normal for infants and are typically not something to be too concerned about. A baby’s immune system is immature and takes a while to build up. However, there is a difference between a baby with a cold and a baby who needs medical attention from urgent care in San Jose. How Sick is My Baby? Here’s what you should be looking for to gauge how ill your infant is. Over-Crying You know your baby better than anyone. All babies cry and whine – it’s the only way…

Altering your diet after gastric sleeve surgery

Studies have proven that it’s one of the most successful bariatric procedures around, with the gastric sleeve helping thousands of people lose weight that was causing them potentially life-threatening conditions. However, while it does make dieting much easier, it would be foolish to be under the impression that this is a “set and forget” treatment. In other words, there are certain guidelines that must be followed after surgery, with most of these related to your diet. Of course, you will be given a thorough brief in the aftermath to highlight exactly what you can and cannot eat. For those who…