When throwing a party it is important you are aware that you don’t have to break the bank in order to make this a great success. Unfortunately so often people feel pressured into overspending to make sure that a friend or a family member has a party they won’t forget. To help you trim down the cost of throwing such an event, here are just a few tips and tricks which you can employ. Always remember that it is about the people who are at the party, and not about how you put it together.
Handmade Items
There are a lot of items you can make by hand to save you some cash. For example, there are some beautiful birthday sashes you can find online, and these can serve as inspiration for you when making your own. The same can be said for tablecloths and wall decorations too.
Take a look online for videos with how-to guides on making things like birthday banners, sashes, and other details which will set the tone for your birthday party.
Call The Troops
Now that your birthday decorations are sorted it is time to turn our attention to the food which you will provide at the event. The best approach here, both from a cost-saving and a stress-relieving point of view, is to call in the troops. Don’t be afraid to lean on family and friends here to support you in putting together a great night for your loved one. Instead of trying to put together 5 dishes, try to get 2 or 3 of them made by another family member, leaving you just 2 to spend your time on. Buying ingredients and cooking from home is always lower cost than outsourcing it, then rely on your loved ones to help in the preparation.
Bring a Bottle
It would be nice if you were in a position to provide a free bar for all of those coming to the party, but don’t feel under pressure if you are not. The perfect solution here is to add to the invitations ‘feel free to bring a bottle’ or something of that ilk. You will find that most people are more than happy to bring something with them for their evening. You could still purchase a few drinks to have at home, for those who didn’t bring anything to the event.
Independent Bakers
Buying a cake does make sense as it will look more professional, but you don’t have to spend big at named stores. A much better idea is to hit social media sites where you will find many local bakery enthusiasts. Check out the work which they have done before and if you are happy, ask about prices. You will often find that the cakes are more bespoke and much better priced than if you went to a pricy high street bakery for the cake.
These are just some of the ways in which you can trim the costs of throwing a birthday party.