Digital Marketing Tips for Dentists


There was a time when we thumbed through a telephone directory if we needed a dentist. Now, we are far more likely to search online to locate a local dental practice. The world has moved on and dentists without a website are losing patients and seeing a decline in revenue. Digital marketing is the way forward for dentists and other medical professionals, but the good news is that there are, finally, affordable websites for dentists.

Building a website for your dental practice is the first step, but there is a lot more work to be done if you hope to reach potential patients. The majority of dentists are on board with the idea of digital marketing, so competition in the online marketplace is fierce. Learn more about digital marketing and you can help your website stand out.

Define Your Target Customer

Think carefully about what type of customer you want to attract. Is your dental practice a family one or do you specialize in cosmetic dentistry?

You need to tailor website content to your target customer. Pay for professionally written content that is persuasive and contains relevant keywords. Consider adding a blog to your website where you answer common customer questions, provide in-depth detail on dental procedures, and discuss the latest developments in the world of dentistry. The more knowledgeable you are, the more confident your patients will be about making an appointment at your dental practice.

PPC Marketing

Paid search marketing is a useful tool for driving traffic to a website, but it only works if you know who your target customer is. Using the points made above, research relevant keywords. Use these to create highly targeted ads. The more accurate your customer profile is, the more successful your paid search marketing will be.

Local Marketing

Most people, when they need a dentist, search for a local practice. They are not interested in traveling huge distances for a clean and polish unless they require specialist treatment. “Local” marketing is extremely important for a dental practice website. If you want to attract new patients, you need to appear in local searches.

Optimize your wesbite for local searches. If you are targeting a specific geographical area, make sure the location keyword appears in your website text. Register your website with Google My Business, so your practice shows up in Google searches and Google Maps.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile is extremely important, as Google penalizes websites that don’t work on mobile devices. Mobile searches have now overtaken desktop in terms of search volume, so make sure your website has a mobile-friendly design. Your website needs to look great on all screen sizes.

Social Media

Social media “likes” do not necessarily translate into more customers, but it can help you engage with your existing customers. Use social media to let patients know about new treatments, special offers, and other useful information, but keep your social channels updated to avoid sending out misinformation.

Implementing digital marketing strategies takes time and effort, but it is essential if you want your dental practice to survive in the Digital Age.