Posts Tagged‘health’

Why Counseling Can Benefit You


Counseling is nothing new in the adult world. More than half of all Americans have had some mental health treatment. There is no shame in admitting you have had treatment for a mental health issue. Even celebrities are open about their issues – Catherine Zeta-Jones freely admits she suffers from bipolar and Kanye West was recently admitted to UCLA following a psychotic episode. Seeking a Counselor Regular sessions with a trained professional counselor can be beneficial for a number of reasons. Most people seek counseling when they are going through a challenging period in their life. This could be anything…

Is Stress at the Root of Your Hair Loss?

There are lots of reasons why people start to notice their hair thinning, or bald patches appearing. The most common cause of hair loss is male pattern baldness, and to a lesser extent female pattern baldness. These are both typified by uniform hair loss in certain areas or a receding hairline, and are usually hereditary. Hair thinning or loss that doesn’t fit that kind of profile can be caused by a number of health factors, including hormonal changes (especially in pregnant women), skin conditions, medication, and vitamin deficiencies. However, one common cause that many people are not aware of, is…

How Sick is My Baby?

Babies are prone to sickness including colic, sniffles and colds. Mild colds are normal for infants and are typically not something to be too concerned about. A baby’s immune system is immature and takes a while to build up. However, there is a difference between a baby with a cold and a baby who needs medical attention from urgent care in San Jose. How Sick is My Baby? Here’s what you should be looking for to gauge how ill your infant is. Over-Crying You know your baby better than anyone. All babies cry and whine – it’s the only way…

Healthcare in South Africa – Major Challenges Ahead

While South Africa is not classified as a ‘developing nation’ but rather as an NIC (Newly Industrialized Country) it still faces many of the same issues and challenges of a developing nation, especially in the realm of healthcare. There are a number of reasons for this, many of which are financial but the healthcare challenges are nowhere felt as badly as in the profession of nursing. Oddly, you hear more about the shortage of nurses than you do the shortage of doctors. This would probably be one of the biggest challenges South Africa faces today. Great Education Ends There Some…

How to prepare yourself for laser eye surgery

If you have worn glasses or contacts for the better part of your life, then you know that they can sometimes be frustrating. Aside from the ever-increasing cost of frames, glasses are not always practical for sports. Weather conditions can fog your glasses, and it’s easy to scratch them. Contacts don’t work for everyone, and the daily maintenance can be tedious. It may finally be time to have laser eye surgery. If you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have an astigmatism, laser surgery can restore 20/20 vision if you are a good candidate. It’s time for you to see your eye…

ECGs: How to treat heartbeat irregularities

ECGs are performed on millions of people every year to assess their cardiac health – they’re most certainly one of the most common tests used to assess electrical activity around the heart. One only has to look at all of the ECG electrodes that are available to realize the scope of this procedure; it’s suited to pretty much every type of patient, including children. However, while the standard ECG is extremely effective, it’s not always the most efficient way to diagnose problems associated with irregular heartbeats. There will be some occasions where patients just don’t reap the results that the…

Altering your diet after gastric sleeve surgery

Studies have proven that it’s one of the most successful bariatric procedures around, with the gastric sleeve helping thousands of people lose weight that was causing them potentially life-threatening conditions. However, while it does make dieting much easier, it would be foolish to be under the impression that this is a “set and forget” treatment. In other words, there are certain guidelines that must be followed after surgery, with most of these related to your diet. Of course, you will be given a thorough brief in the aftermath to highlight exactly what you can and cannot eat. For those who…

Elliptical vs Treadmill –The Difference

The treadmill and elliptical are popular workout machines at gyms and fitness clubs across the globe. Both give a wonderful cardiovascular workout and draw enthusiasts of all ages. Their manufacturers claim that they facilitate to lose more weight. However, which one to choose depends on the user. Below, we will compare the elliptical vs treadmill, so you can see which suits you better… The Treadmill This trusted machine was born years ago; it provides a moving surface to walk. Walking is our natural activity and a basic fitness regime. Some people prefer to run instead, this machine has varying speeds…

How Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Your Immune System?

Photo by CC user wonderlane on Flickr Intermittent fasting is defined as an eating pattern wherein an individual cycle between periods of eating and fasting. In fact, it poses as one of the most popular fitness and health trends in the world. People opt for intermittent fasting (IF) due to a wide array of reasons such as weight loss, simplified lifestyle, improvement of overall health and wellbeing. There is a growing body of evidence which suggests that this eating pattern has tremendous power to improve your immune system as well. Is that really correct? Keep reading to find out! Intermittent fasting…